Steve Wieclaw

Imagine... Engage... Inpire

As a writer, director, producer, and editor, I've always had a passion for storytelling...and entertaining. As a child, I loved to create, and preferred writing and drawing over playing games with friends and family. Just ask my siblings and cousins!
I started my career in filmmaking late in life. Dabbling in music, art, acting, comedy, and everything in between, I could never focus on any particular craft until I decided to try film school. Thankfully, I now have a singular focus...making movies!
I feel I have a unique perspective by having so many diverse life experiences. I traveled the world as a musician before settling down to a corporate gig for many years. I realize the importance of other opinions...since those are what truly shapes us.
My influences are many...inspired by those before me willing to take chances and do anything it takes to realize their dream. I may be starting later than most, but I am no less determined.
"A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later."
– Stanley Kubrick